I Am an Advocating Idealist

What does that mean? I am not really sure. However, thanks to Jaquandor from Byzantium Shores, I took this personality test. It is from PersonalDNA.com. When I read about it on Jaquandor's blog, I was in the right mood to play along.

I think some of the profile takes my current state of mind and personal upheaval into account, but for the most part, I find it accurate.

Here is what my personal DNA map looks like:

If you decide to map your own, come back and let me know.


Anonymous said...

"Low Trust". I understand, but it still breaks my heart.

paisley said...

free wheeling analyst... makes sense... i guess.....

Friend of God said...

Advocating Creator....comes very close

Lippy said...

Mine said IDIOT!

Nah, just kidding. I did post one on my blog too. Thanks for the link

The Real Mother Hen said...

I got "Encouraging Leader" - something I work hard not to be one! No no no, I don't want to be any leader, just want to be a wife that cooks and bakes!

Chris said...

Eggggggscellent....(rubbing hands together evily)

Now that I have Jeff's DNA, I will retire to my underground lair and start the cloning process....for 1 BILLION dollars.

Sayre said...

I was a generous idealist. My highest trait was Femininity. My second highest trait was Masculinity. Um... I hope my husband doesn't find this.

Anonymous said...

Advocating Thinker - but I have to say, I disagreed with whole chunks of the analysis.

Kim said...

I'm an Independent Creator....but I didn't agree with the empathy score........