NEWS FLASH is basically news or thoughts that may be changing over time - an update or an evolution of thought that covers a multiple of topics. It is what makes a blogger tick and it is the reason why we read. So, with that in mind, I came up with NEWS FLASH as an acronym that stands for what is going on in life:
News (or current events)
Entertainment (movies, TV, celebrity, etc.)
Work (thoughts on the job or employer)
Spirit (thoughts on God and/or the supernatural)
Family (or friends)
Anxiety (a rant or a trouble)
Sports (also considered should be contests, reality tv, recreation, cards, games), and
Home (house, yard, or even another family type of thought.
NEWS - For the life of me, I can't figure out why anyone would live in California. If earthquakes, mudslides, and an ungodly high cost of living isn't enough, they have to deal with these stupid fires once or twice a year! Jiminy Christmas! There are plenty of nice places in Kansas or Colorado that they can live!
ENTERTAINMENT - I want to see a movie in 3D. Back in the day, they had plenty of these type of movies, but you don't see them much any more. The last time I saw one was in high school, but I don't remember what it was. It was a horror flick; that is all I remember. People tend to think that you have to give up good stories and acting for 3D, but I don't see why that must be so! Bring back 3D!
WORK - My new high school intern seems to be working out. I am shocked. She is a go-getter and I actually look forward to her days in the office. Plus, she is not afraid to make a phone call, for heaven's sake! The last one I had . . .
SPIRIT - My life got better when I surrendered it all over to God. Most Christians THINK they have done that, but they really don't realize that they really haven't until things go haywire.
I wanted to control things.
I wanted to solve the problems. In the midst of my hiatus, I just decided that if I lose my house, I lose it. If God wants me to keep it, I will keep it. If my wife can't work, then God will have to provide. Once I let all that go, my wife got a job and sold all kinds of stuff on Ebay at the same time. During this time, I didn't say a word to her about any of it. I just worked it all out with God silently. Now, if He could just get on this pesky back of mine. I would go to the doctor, but I would rather let God deal with it. :P
FAMILY - I spent Sunday afternoon with my nephew and his young wife watching football at a local establishment. Since finances forced me to abandon the NFL Sunday Ticket, I have been relegated to going places that have it so I can watch my beloved Bengals. It was a nice time, although my sister (the one I mentioned last time) cried when her son (my nephew) didn't come to see her while he was in town. As she put it, "Your kids will break your back when they are young, but will break your heart when they are older," - or something like that.
LOVE - I love me some roast beef, mash tatus and gravy. Seriously, the love thing with my wife has really taken a turn for the better. I am guardedly optimisitic. She even sent me a sweet e-card a few minutes ago.
ANXIETY - I am a little anxious about going away this weekend. I am going to miss a meeting, put more responsibilities on my sister (with my mom and feeding our dogs). Plus, being away from home with back pain doesn't sound good to me either. I am kind of a homebody anyway, so all this other stuff isn't helping. I can tell my wife appreciates it, though, so it is worth it.
SPORTS - Basketball season is just around the corner. College basketball is my thing and is second in my love only to the NFL. Sunday, I am going to see the University of Illinois' basketball team in their season kick-off scrimmage. My wife is a big U of I fan, so she is thrilled. I can't wait to see my beloved Hoosiers. This is the best time of year for me with the NFL going full tilt and college basketball arriving!
HOME - I think I am going to rent that stupid house I can't sell. I am going to make another phone call to a prospective buyer, but after that I am going to have to rent. It is sucking me dry! I hate renting, though. I hate being poverty stricken more, though.
That's it for the 'Flash! How many of you are still doing it?