However, there was a couple that I really FELT at the time that came to pass. To tell you the truth, I am not liking it. Here are the two predictions that has caused me to hang up my crystal ball and retire from the psychic game:
* A female celebrity will die and it will be drug/alcohol related. (Rest in Peace, Anna Nicole Smith)
* Something will happen in Omaha, Nebraska that will put it on the news for a number of days.
When I saw on the news about the man who killed eight in the mall there before turning the gun on himself, I got sick. I don't feel responsible for it, but I feel "CONNECTED" to it. I don't like that feeling. Every morning for the past couple of days, I have to watch the Today Show rehash and interview victims and family of this outrageous event.
So, this year, I am not going to make what I thought was going to be yearly predictions. I thought it would be fun to look back and see how close I got. Guess what? It isn't fun.
On reason people who can sense things feel a little uncomfortable talking about it... I think most people actually have this ability if they just exercise it. I have on occasion and it is a little disturbing.
Except for rare instances, I keep mine on the shelf now.
#13 kind of fit in with the Omaha thing too.
Makes you wish you were right about the Chargers beating the Eagles instead, huh?
Wow. That's spooky. My mom said that my grandpa used to be able to do that. He was a sherriff in the mountains of Arizona. He was able, through his abilities, to track criminals and also to find people who were lost in the mountains. Mom also said that Grandpa could concentrate and tell what was on the other side of a wall.
P.S. #7: Nintendo Wii. It's entering nursing homes as an exercise tool.
I think you should continue though.
I watched a program about psychic helping police solving murder cases at A&E today and I must say I'm impressed.
So please continue Jeff, you may end up helping someone in the future.
I think a lot of people have "spychic" abilities, we just don't realise it... or encourage/exercise it.
I totally get how you feel.
When I first realised I dreamt of things before they happened I thought it was so cool. Then in my 30s I dreamt of a fireman dying the day before he did and then I saw the face of a truly evil person... and saw his identikit in the paper the next week for a very bizarre murder. What could I do? Tell the police "hey, I saw him before your witness did!"
It never felt cool after that. :-(
PS... I'm tagging you :-D
I think if I had come that close with my predictions, I'd hang it up too. It wouldn't be fun anymore either.
Sayre: I understand keeping it on the shelf big time.
Meg: That's interesting about your grandpa. I think you are right about the Wii. I have middle aged friends that are going nuts with it, too.
Chris: For sure, I didn't "feel" the Superbowl prediction, just analyzed it - incorrectly.
Mother Hen: Hmm . . . I can't imagine being able to help anyone. Anytime I have ever paid attention to it, it led to heartbreak.
Michelle: What a fraternity! Thanks for the tag, btw.
Jimmy: It kind of surprised me that it hit me the way it did.
several years ago i was at my computer early one morning and i had a premonition that a friend of my sisters(that i had seen once or twice,, yet knew in name only) was dead in a motel room with robin egg blue walls,, and there was a skinny black woman with him,, {in my experience a crack whore}... now taking into consideration that this was a good family man,, a hard working yuppy type and a jehovahs witness to boot,, this was a stretch....
over the course of the next few months news began to surface that "rob" was "drinking heavily",, binging,, not coming home for days at a time,, spending money like it was going out of style... a year or so later,, he was found dead in a motel room,, i don't know any of the other particulars...
i have never had a vision like that,, before or after... but i can tell you,, as with your experience,, i am happier not knowing....
I remember reading your list last year.
Oh my word, has it been a year already?
time flies....
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