NEWS FLASH is basically news or thoughts that may be changing over time - an update or an evolution of thought that covers a multiple of topics. It is what makes a blogger tick and it is the reason why we read. So, with that in mind, I came up with NEWS FLASH as an acronym that stands for what is going on in life:
News (or current events)
Entertainment (movies, TV, celebrity, etc.)
Work (thoughts on the job or employer)
Spirit (thoughts on God and/or the supernatural)
Family (or friends)
Anxiety (a rant or a trouble)
Sports (also considered should be contests, reality tv, recreation, cards, games), and
Home (house, yard, or even another family type of thought.
News (or current events)
Entertainment (movies, TV, celebrity, etc.)
Work (thoughts on the job or employer)
Spirit (thoughts on God and/or the supernatural)
Family (or friends)
Anxiety (a rant or a trouble)
Sports (also considered should be contests, reality tv, recreation, cards, games), and
Home (house, yard, or even another family type of thought.
NEWS - It appears that this country is heading toward a recession. Not only are interest rates high, prices of staples like milk and gas are high, the housing market in which I am being victimized about is horrible, but now we find out that unemployment is on the rise. Sheesh! With this quagmire in Iraq - and the nearly 4000 Americans dead because of it, the infringement of freedoms because of questionable "homeland security" tactics, the corruption of the presidential cabinet, and now the economy tanking, is there any doubt that GW Bush is one of the worst presidents in US history?
ENTERTAINMENT - I will contain myself from making any Britney Spears comments today after her bad performance last night on the MTV. Nope, I will return to Big Brother 8 (US). I know most of you don't watch it, but that is your problem. :P I just want to say that the Donatos are among the worst human beings that have ever played the game. There, I feel better now.
WORK - Getting busy! My blogging may suffer for the next couple of weeks. I have multiple meanings culminating with the BIG meeting (and my evaluation) next week. On top of that, I am screening intern candidates. Interns historically suck, so I am not optimistic.
SPIRIT - I am sad about the passing of D. James Kennedy. He was too political for my liking for a while, but he spent a lot of time on interesting topics the last few years (e.g. evolution/creation). He was very intelligent and made intelligent, not emotional arguments. As a matter of fact, I deal with this issue on my latest post of my "Present Truth" blog. I, by chance, got to meet Pastor Kennedy when he was touring with the "Delta Queen"riverboat when it made a stop in this town. He was a nice guy and I am sure he is enjoying being "home".
FAMILY - The father-in-law was in town this past weekend. I always enjoy his visits. We had the occasion to go out to breakfast Saturday - just the two of us. It was nice to get to know him more. I am hoping he moves here after his retirement in a couple of years.
LOVE - Well, the great relationship has waned some. I guess that can be expected. The honeymoon can't last forever, can it? However, things aren't bad. They are certainly better than months and weeks passed. Maybe it is normal. I wouldn't have any idea what "normal" is like so it is hard for me to say.
ANXIETY - I am really getting concerned about the money situation. We have only one mortgage payment left in savings. My wife still hasn't found a job. I think she is too picky. I don't remember holding out for a "fun" job in my past job searches. Sometimes I think she needs to be reminded that marriage is a partnership, not an entitlement program.
SPORTS - The NFL is here and my Bengals are on Monday Night Football tonight. I hope they perform better than my fantasy team. Going into tonight, I am in last place. However, I have guys playing tonight that may help me climb out of the cellar.
HOME - I am meeting with yet another realtor this week. If she is as gloomy about the prospects of a quick and equitable sale as the others, I think I am just going to sell to an investor and forget about it. I do hate being in debt over a house I will no longer own, though, but what are you gonna do?
Good luck at work! I'm sure you'll wow 'em.
As far as your relationship, I think its just par for the course for things to ebb and flow.
A fun job... I want one of those!! ;)
Yeah, I want a "fun" job, too. Where do I go to get one of those?
I hope things get better on the money front. Hang in there.
Thursday night is Jr. High Football night here in Southern Indiana. Wanna come see an outstanding game?
I hope you're not heading for recession because it's said when the US sneezes we get the flu
Nothing to add.. just popping in to wave hello and wish you a better autumn than summer. :-)
Steph: Thanks. I expect things to turn out well all the way around.
Hoosiergirl: Fun jobs . . . I get irritated just thinking about that which makes my "job" less fun.
Can't make it Thursday - Big Brother Finale! lol
Loz: Maybe you Aussies should be able to vote here then. ;)
Michelle: Thanks and backatcha.
Ohhhh... I'm so sorry about the money situation. I'll keep you in my prayer.
Glad you enjoy Father-in-law and his visit.
Good luck with the house and the realtor... Having that drain on your finances can't be helping anything else. I hope you can sell it though. It REALLy sucks to still be paying for something you don't even own anymore.
Jeff, I couldn't find an email for you to let you know - so I'm leaving a comment :). I'm going to take a sabbatical from blogging. A long one. I'll still stop in to say 'hey' on occasion, though. My email address is hollygl@att.net. Take care of yourself. xoxo Steph
I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't want to see Danielle or Dick win.
Go Zach!
The honeymoon is always over when financial hardship hits and it feels like only one person is trying to alleviate the problem. Be careful; money troubles are at the heart of a lot of divorces.
I hope you have better luck with selling the house.
It's great that last week with your wife was nice. I was really happy when I read that. Yeh, things will mellow, and hopefully stay congenial. It's very normal to have subtle ups and downs. Especially busy times you will probably find that things aren't bad, but they're not great because you just don't get time together.
Anywho, good luck with busy work and the house!
Hey Jeff, I too was totally hooked on Big Bro 8 this summer but cannot believe that it all comes down to choosing between two evils (or is that Evel?) for the winner. Albeit, the Donatos were extremely entertaining this season.
Good luck Jeff. Hope you get a buyer soon!
Jeff, let me say that you have a fellow Financial Frantic out here, so you're not alone in your struggle. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you if you do the same for me!
Poor Britney. All gone, I think.
I swear we live parallel lives. I just spent the day with my father in law as well. AND I'm trying to convince him to move here.
Hang in there my friend. I think that things are going to be ok for you guys in the long run.
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